Ukrainian cuisine is very much a part of the population's culture, lifestyle and customs. Well-known for its great diversity and amazing flavors, Ukrainian cuisine has had a number of influences including Russian, Polish, German and Turkish. Popular ingredients in the cuisine of Ukraine are meat, mushrooms, vegetables, berries, fruit and herbs. As Ukrainians are extremely hospitable their meals are served in very generous quantities.
Some of the best Ukrainian cuisine is actually very simple. Many ingredients are used in what many would consider unusual combinations, creating a unique and sumptuous dish. Considered the “breadbasket of Europe”, bread is a staple in Ukraine. There are dozens of methods used in preparing breads, which are often used in rituals. Dishes often contain pickled vegetables when these are not in season and certain dishes can only be made when ingredients are available. Pastries and cakes are popular, but not very sweet.
Below we provide you with a list of uniquely Ukrainian cuisine along with a description. Why not visit our recipes page to discover how you too can create these culinary delights.
Borshch – beet soup often made with meat.
Ukha – fish soup typically with carp.
Hybivka – mushroom soup.
Vinigret – beetroot salad made with beans, peas and onions.
Oseledets – pickled herring salad with onion, sunflower oil and pepper.
Kapustianyi – sauerkraut salad with oil, walnuts and mayonnaise.
Paska – Easter bread.
Korovai – braided bread used in wedding celebrations.
Babka – Easter bread containing dried fruit.
Main Course
Varenyky – boiled dumplings stuffed with fruit, potatoes, cheese and cabbage.
Holubtsi – cabbage rolls stuffed with millet or minced meat with rice.
Blyntsi – crepes served with meat, cheese, fruit or caviar.
Pechenya – roast pork, lamb, beef or veal.
Studynets – jellied meat or fish.
Kotljetys – fish or meat fritters.
Deruny – potato fritters served with sour cream or cottage cheese.
Shashlyk – type of shish kebab usually with marinated lamb and vegetables.
Tort – cakes often made with ground walnuts or almonds instead of flour.
Kutia – a Christmas dessert with honey, nuts, poppy seeds and wheat.
Zhely – jellied fruit.
Pampushky – fried dough, similar to doughnuts.
Kvas – made from bread with a sweet-sour taste.
Compote – dried or fresh fruit drink.
Kefir – sour milk.
Borshch (or Borsht) is the most famous food from the Ukraine. Most people know about this one. - Teacher Karl